The Agony of Christ in the Garden | Jonathan Edwards | Audio

1 year ago

The conflict which the soul of Christ then endured was occasioned by those views and apprehensions. The sorrow and distress which his soul then suffered, arose from that lively, and full, and immediate view which he had then given him of that cup of wrath; by which God the Father did as it were set the cup down before him, for him to take it and drink it. Some have inquired, what was the occasion of that distress and agony, and many speculations there have been about it, but the account which the Scripture itself gives us is sufficiently full in this matter, and does not leave room for speculation or doubt. The thing that Christ's mind was so full of at that time was, without doubt, the same with that which his mouth was so full of: it was the dread which his feeble human nature had of that dreadful cup, which was vastly more terrible than Nebuchadnezzar's fiery furnace. He had then a near view of that furnace of wrath, into which he was to be cast; he was brought to the mouth of the furnace that he might look into it, and stand and view its raging flames, and see the glowings of its heat, that he might know where he was going and what he was about to suffer. This was the thing that filled his soul with sorrow and darkness, this terrible sight as it were overwhelmed him. For what was that human nature of Christ to such mighty wrath as this? it was in itself, without the supports of God, but a feeble worm of the dust, a thing that was crushed before the moth, none of God's children ever had such a cup set before them, as this first being of every creature had. But not to dwell any longer on this, I hasten to show...

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Audio Source:

The Narrated Puritan
Thomas Sullivan

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We are a radio broadcast located in Owensboro, Kentucky.

Though these narrations now span the last 37 years and consist of the largest collection of unique names of pastors in reformed and Puritan churches since the reformation in audiobook format, they mostly are the best of the last 6 years of a collection of the most solemn and searching, consoling and counseling, casuistical and Christ-centered sermons since the Reformation.

Thomas Sullivan: Now in the 38th year of narrating Puritan and Reformed Books. Begun in Dec. of 1985 as a ministry to blind patrons of the Chapel Library, then in Venice, FL. Now the world's largest collection of narrated authors of Puritan and Reformed convictions.

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