Stormy Daniels' official statement: I Never Had an Affair with Trump

1 year ago

Think about it:
The worst two things they ever found on Trump were the Stormy Daniels supposed affair allegation and that grainy audio clip that was such poor quality that it could've easily been faked, and if I'd been him I probably would have said, "Why would you believe that grainy little clip's authenticity? That recording is faked." Maybe because they figured both allegations were he said/she said and he said/he said, they figure easier to not try to deny.
But where this rings truest is that I for the first time heard last week that Trump neither knew about nor authorized the payment to her--that was entirely Michael Cohen's doing AND that Cohen took it upon himself to borrow that money in his own name. What lawyer does that, snd why on earth would they??
With that in mind, this makes total sense.
Truth normally does.

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