[A]PRIL Showers. Public attack. [A]rrests. Why now? Military start. BIG month

1 year ago

Once you understand quantum computers, you can begin to see how they plan to turn humans into avatars and "quantum entangle" the Hive Mind" The Satanic overlords want to turn us into avatars, controlling our minds and bodies, hijacking our consciousness at will. Using the vaccine, 5G, and our DNA, they will finally accomplish this. This video explains that the overlords are now technologically advanced enough to create a "hive mind" that connects and controls the herd. They need only access our brains (PCR, which deposited graphene and nanotechnology directly into the nasal pharanx.) It’s our brains that see, not our eyes. The Hidden Agenda behind Chemtrails, 5G, and Fake Pandemics is Transhumanism. Evidence of self-assembling nanotechnologies in the pfizer, & moderna vaccines is emerging from studies of various researchers around the world. The potency of these nanotechnologies varies between specific lots/batches, configuring as a real hidden experimentation with distopic purposes.

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