Raising Capital To Buy Real Estate From Abroad

1 year ago

In our recent episode of the Freedom Chasers podcast, Lucky Khushalani and Zehra Gajipurwala shared their experiences as immigrants in Canada and their journey in the real estate industry. The couple talked about their biggest learning experience and how it led them to wholesaling and virtual wholesaling.

Our episode began with Lucky and Zehra discussing their backgrounds and how they came to be in Canada. Lucky hails from India, and Zehra from Pakistan, and they both arrived in Canada with dreams of building a better life for themselves. They both have backgrounds in finance and accounting, and Lucky had experience in construction as well.
The couple shared their story of their gut renovation project that went wrong due to a scamming contractor. This project introduced them to the world of wholesaling and they eventually got into virtual wholesaling. Wholesaling is the process of finding a motivated seller who wants to sell their property quickly, and then finding a buyer who is willing to purchase the property at a higher price. The wholesaler makes a profit by charging a fee for their services. Virtual wholesaling is the same process, but it is done online without the need for physical presence.

We also asked about the real estate mindset in India and how it compares to that in America. Lucky explained that in India, people are sentimentally attached to homeownership, and it is considered a milestone to own a home. People usually invest in real estate by forming groups or buying apartments. However, in the West, owning a home is not necessary, and renting can be a more intelligent decision.

Lucky and Zehra also shared their experiences attending real estate networking events and realizing that many people were only interested in receiving money, rather than teaching them about the ins and outs of real estate. They emphasized the importance of being involved and learning about real estate in order to be successful.

The couple recounted their first property acquisition and how they turned their investing into a business. They learned about the distribution process of real estate and started wholesaling. They also raised $100,000 virtually from India to invest in a property, which they term a 100% other people's money deal. Communication and networking were essential in their real estate journey, and they have continued to use these skills to raise funds for their business by reaching out to friends, family, and small to medium-sized business owners.

Finally, Lucky and Zehra discussed their plans to expand their business in the next few years. They aim to create a complete brand that offers lending products and deals. They stated that financial freedom is their ultimate goal, but they enjoy working and having a disciplined schedule.

In conclusion, the episode with Lucky and Zehra was an insightful conversation about the real estate industry and how immigrants can succeed in the field. The couple's journey is an inspiring story of hard work, resilience, and determination. Their emphasis on communication and networking is a lesson for anyone looking to enter the real estate industry. The episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in learning about real estate investing, virtual wholesaling, and how to succeed in the industry.

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Don't forget to reach out to Lucky and Zehra:
Business IG- https://instagram.com/the11elevencapital?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=
Lucky's IG- https://instagram.com/lucky_2794?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=
Zehra's IG- https://instagram.com/zehra_gaji95?igshid=MWI4MTIyMDE=

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