1 year ago

Crape Jasmine mini ( NanthiyaVattai ) is dichotomously branched and grows to a height of 1.5–1.8 meters (5–6 feet). The huge lustrous leaves are around 15 cm (6 in) long and 5 cm (2 in) wide and are deep green. Small clusters of waxy blooms can be observed on the stem tips. The (single) blooms feature the distinctive ‘pinwheel’ shape found in other Apocynaceae genera, such as Vinca and Nerium. Both single and double-flowered varieties are grown, with white flowers on both. Flowers emerge irregularly throughout the year, but the plant blooms in the spring. The blooms have a pleasant scent to them. The Chandni plant contains more than 66 alkaloids.

The Chandni Plant gets its name from the pinwheel flowers that bloom at night (meaning moonlight in Hindi). It has thick, gorgeous dark green pointed glossy leaves with a waxy coating that resembles a glazed waxy coating. The milky white Chandni Flowers and their leaves have a captivating impact due to the color contrast. Because of their appealing colors, structure, and size, they are commonly employed as hedge plants and house plants. By root trimming and branch pruning, they can be transformed into bonsai when planted in containers. Animals do not consume Crepe jasmine, so you can safely use them as a decorative plant on your balcony or outside your home. In the Apocynaceae family, the Nanthiya Vattai plant will find in an online nursery.

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