Sun Conjunct Moon or Sun Opposite Moon Synastry. Soul Mate Link. Relationship Astrology

1 year ago

Sun Conjunct Moon or Sun Opposite Moon Synastry. Soul Mate Link. My Personal Experience.
#Soulmates #Soulmates #SunMoonSynastry #RelashionshipAstrology #RachelMayoAstrologer

Sun conjunct Moon is the new Moon so something is fertilized and later born. Sun opposite Moon is the full moon so there is a fruition ending or culmination. It’s very likely that couples with this Synastry aspect create a family create new karma or complete karma.

The moon rules over a woman’s monthly cycle and therefore fertility and children. The moon is also associated with the past like our ancestors.

If you have been through a toxic relationship or grief and disappointment.
The sun moon aspect relationship can feel very healing almost like you have met the one who truly understands you. Finally you can trust and depend on someone to live you and take care of you without games or manipulation. It feels like you’re with your other half. This aspect feels like family because the sun rules the male figures in our life our fathers and the moon rules the females our mother.
This is not a sexual aspect in Synastry it’s more about the unit, real partnership. This aspect is also common among family members.

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