Episode 1095: The Destruction of the Catholic Mass after Vatican II

1 year ago

The most infamous conspiracy is in progress against the
Church. Her enemies are working to destroy the most holy
traditions and thus to introduce dangerous and evil-intended
reforms, such as those Calvin, Zwingli and other false teachers
once attempted. They manifest a hypocritical zeal to modernise
the Church and to adapt it to the present day situation, but in
reality they conceal the secret intention of opening the gates to
Communism, to hasten the collapse of the free world and to
prepare the further destruction of Christianity. All this it is
intended to put into effect at the coming Vatican Council. We
have proofs of how everything is being planned in secret
agreement with the leading forces of Communism, of world
Freemasonry and of the secret power directing these.
It is intended to first carry out a probe and to begin with the
reforms which encounter less resistance from the defenders of
Holy Church, in order to then gradually extend the range, as
weakening resistance allows this.
In addition, we have confirmation of what will still be
unbelievable for those who are not initiated, namely that the
anti-Christian forces have at their disposal, in the ranks of
Church dignitaries, a veritable “Fifth Column” of agents who
are the unconditional tools of Communism and of the secret
power directing it. For it has been revealed that those
cardinals, archbishops and bishops, who form a kind of
progressive wing within the Council, will attempt to bring
about a break through shameful reforms, whereby the good
faith and the eagerness for progress of many devout Council
Fathers will be deceived.
The assurance has been given that the Progressive block
forming at the beginning of the Synod will be able to count
upon the support of the Vatican, in which, so it is said, those
anti-Christian forces possess influence. This appears
unbelievable to us and sounds more like boastful arrogance by
the enemies of the Church than sober reality. However, we
mention this, so that one sees how far the enemies of
Catholicism and of the Free World risk revealing themselves.
Apart from the dangerous reforms in the doctrine of the
Church and her traditional policy which stand in open
contradiction to what was approved by the preceding Popes
and Ecumenical Councils, it is desired that the
Excommunication Bulls uttered by his Holiness Pope Pius XII
against the Communists and their lackeys be declared nullified.
In this manner the effort is made to establish a peaceful
coexistence with the Communists, which on the one side would
be harmful to the regard for Holy Church in the eyes of
Christians who fight against materialistic and atheistic
Communism and on the other side weaken the morale of these
fighters, hasten their defeat and would have as a consequence
dissolution in their own ranks, in order in such a way to ensure
the worldwide triumph of Red totalitarianism. Concern is
taken that Protestants and Orthodox are in no way invited who
fight heroically against Communism, but rather more only
those Churches and Church counsellors who stand under the
influence of Freemasonry, of Communism and the secret
power directing them. In this manner the Freemasons and
Communists disguised in priestly robes, who have usurped the
leading posts in such churches, work together concealed and in
a subtle way, but also very effectively, with their accomplices
who have infiltrated into the Catholic clergy.
On its side the Kremlin has already decided to refuse
known anti-Communist prelates an exit visa, and only to allow
their unconditional agents or those who, without being the
latter, have bowed out of fear of Red reprisals, to travel from
the satellite states. Thus at the Second Vatican Council the
Church will experience the silence of those who could defend
her best of all and could enlighten the Holy Synod concerning
what takes place in the Communist world.
This will undoubtedly seem incredible to those who read it;
but the events at the Holy Ecumenical Council will open their
eyes and convince them that we are speaking the truth. For it is
there that the enemy intends to play a trump card, whereby it,
so we are assured, will have on its side unconditional
accomplices among the highest Church dignitaries. A further
disastrous plan, which is being prepared, is that the Church
shall contradict itself, so as a result to sacrifice its regard with
the faithful; for later it will be broadcast that an institution
which contradicts itself cannot be divine. With this proof they
wish to desolate the Churches and achieve that the faithful lose
their confidence in the clergy and abandon them.

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