Steel Beast Final POV

1 year ago

This is the final POV for Steel Beast. It’s also the biggest remastered POV that I have ever done. The scenery has gotten some attention, the ride has an updated track which made it longer than before, and there are some extra clips at the end that showcase some elements and the station! I hope you enjoy this POV!

This is the final POV, which means that if you are seeing this right now, it means that this rollercoaster project has been discontinued. But don’t worry, more projects will be happening soon!

This rollercoaster was inspired by The Beast at Kings Island!

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00:00 Intro
00:17 POV
07:37 Extra Clips
09:37 Outro

Small Hands make Big Things [Planet Coaster Soundtrack]

View prediction 1k+
(Probably over, or under a week)

#SteelBeast #RMC #Smooth #FinalPOV #planetcoaster #thebeast

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