The Second Wave

1 year ago

After everybody did what they were told, shuttered their businesses, and stayed home, we were told the lockdown needed to last longer. New variants were emerging. Many people knew this was coming. They tried to warn others and were mocked, ridiculed and shunned. For not the first or last time, the "conspiracy theorists" were vindicated.

#greatreawakening, #spiritualawakening, #awake, #nwo, #illuminati, #globalism, #wef, #greatreset, #agenda21, #agenda2030, #depopulation, #populationcontrol, #alexwasright, #eugenics, #pedogate, #saveourchildren, #media, #psyop, #brainwashing, #mkultra, #mindcontrol, #indoctrination, #socialconditioning, #covid, #plandemic, #scamdemic, #pharmakeia, #vaxx, #jab, #mRNA, #killshot, #billgates, #fauci, #rockefeller, #johnshopkins, #pfizer, #moderna, #medicaltyranny, #wwiii,

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