1 year ago

In this episode, Dr. James Thorpe, Dr. Deborah Viglione and RN, Michelle Gershman discuss the alarming 45% increase in fetal demise after the rollout of the Covid-19 shots and the must read book, "The Covid -19 Vaccines & Beyond...What the Medical Industrial Complex is Not Telling Us". Dr. James Thorpe, MD is a Board-Certified OBGYN and Maternal Fetal Medicine Physician with 44 years experience. Most recently he has focused his research on the Covid-19 pandemic and published over 15 peer-reviewed scientific publications and a book documenting the dangers of the vaccine in women of reproductive age and in pregnancy. Dr. Deborah Viglione, MD is a Board-Certified internist who has practiced medicine for 36 years. She joined the US Air Force receiving a Health Professions Scholarship for her medical training. While everyone else was shutting down their clinics, she set up a "mash" unit in her office and treated Covid patients. She teamed up with Dr. Thorpe and started offering Ozone therapy and IV high dose Vitamin C. RN, Michelle Gershman is a registered nurse for 6 years. She has worked with newborns for 2 years and is a NAET practitioner and treats vaccine injuries remotely. She is a whistleblower and potent witness with data from hospital administration on the shocking increase of fetal demise since the Covid-19 shots.

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