Revolvers...outdated or still relevant?

1 year ago

Popular group think suggests that revolvers are old technology, outdated, and irrelevant. Some people have stated they're not "as good" as a modern semi-auto.

In this video we discuss revolvers and how and why I believe they're still relevant... especially for enhancing your basic skills. They certainly have a place for many people seeking to develop proper trigger and sight management.

In addition, although revolvers are not my primary choice for personal protection, they can and do provide an option for many.

If you're ever in an armed encounter, your training, proficiency and ability to deliver accurate hits to the threat will likely matter for more than the brand, model or type of pistol or revolver you're using.

Revolvers and semi-autos in this video show the S&W 686, the M&P 2.0 Metal, the Sig Legion P226 and the STI Staccato P.

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