246 Easter 2023 in the US and Australia

1 year ago

246 Easter 2023 in the US and Australia
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Today we will learn how Easter is celebrated in the United States and Australia. We will hear Tom and Sarah's conversation about their plans for Easter this year. And with a point-of-view story, you will learn grammar in context without memorizing boring rules.

Hi! Thanks for joining me for another episode of the podcast. I'm Georgiana, and my mission is to help you improve your fluency.

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Okay! Let’s start!

Tom, from the United States, and Sarah, from Australia, were catching up on a video call before the Easter holiday. As they started chatting, they quickly realized they had different traditions and plans for celebrating the holiday.

Let's listen to their conversation:

Tom: Hey, Sarah! Happy Easter!

Sarah: Happy Easter to you too, Tom! I hope you're doing well.

Tom: Yes, I'm doing great. So, what are your plans for Easter this year?

Sarah: I plan to attend church and celebrate Easter with my family. We usually have a big Easter dinner and spend time together.

Tom: That sounds lovely. I'm also planning to celebrate Easter with my family. We usually have an Easter egg hunt and decorate Easter eggs.

Sarah: Oh, that's a great tradition. We also decorate Easter eggs but don't have an egg hunt.

Tom: That's interesting. Every family has their own traditions.

Sarah: Definitely. What other traditions do you have for Easter?

Tom: We usually go to church and have a big Easter brunch. We also exchange Easter baskets filled with candy and small gifts.

Sarah: That sounds like so much fun. We don't exchange Easter baskets but give each other Easter cards.

Tom: That's sweet. Do you have any special Easter foods that you eat?

Sarah: Yes, we usually have ham, deviled eggs, and hot cross buns.

Tom: That sounds delicious. My family has roasted lamb, mashed potatoes, and asparagus.

Sarah: That sounds amazing. It's interesting to see how different cultures celebrate the same holiday.

Get the full transcript here: speakenglishpodcast.com/podcast/

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