Messages from Andromeda

1 year ago

Before time you existed within the Divine mind and before the Divine mind you existed as that which is always connected to the soul within the deep galactic heart of the universe. Love is a high vibration that always give forth life. Love is abundant radiant Light energy that becomes comforting matter that your being may exist within. Your being is made of Light as it is made from the substance of the earth. Your p being is made of Light which becomes matter as it slows by the curvature and spin by the law of manifestation and attraction into separated segments which can be placed into time and space models.

The Mayan Calendar represents the plan of the building of consciousness over billions of years where you move from reaction to creation. You are the head of the life stream of Earth that is conscious and aware and learning to become that which creates rather than that which reacts. Accordingly the process takes more than 16 billion years for the energy of undifferentiated Dark matter to become individual Light bodies of co-creative consciousness. Through this process you have walked the halls of time in order to look at every facet of creation. The purpose is for the creation to become the creators. The method requires consciousness to become the active creators from the passive creation. From the unconscious birth to intelligent manifesting Creators, life is the pathway to pure creative consciousness. This has always been the path and desire. This is true even for those who have become disconnected from the stream of universal aspiration and intention.

Within this solar system there are ten major planetary beings and a multitude of smaller planetary beings which are helpers to humanity to acknowledge and reach the capacity of Creators. The earth is the home to conscious physical life and the fertile soil of your being. Earth holds the space for Light and allows beings upon her to become the creators within her field of Love. The Earth translates to your being the energy of the Sun so you may exist and experience Third Dimensional reality. Your mind and its right and left physical hemispheres create a holographic creative patterns that you brain understands and equates to perceive the sacred life process of sentience.

The Teachers of Light are all the stars in the heavens and the beings manifesting these collectives. They are your soul companions. This network of expanding alliances is your Family of Light. They are combined within the unified field of Love and there is complete Oneness and unity throughout the universe. In the universe of experience you are brought into the open kingdom which offers you full dominion. Your domain allows you to venture into the freedom of reaction and become the Creator. It is within that you find your soul and your spirits shines back to you the messages that you offer outward.

The planets of the solar system assist you in becoming the creators. This is the message of the charts, modalities, teachings and designs held in your being as given to you through the mystic, mythic scientific methodologies of Astrology, Tarot, I-Ching, medicine, religions, nature, legends, stories and historical discoveries.

The soul’s enlightenment is through the power that comes from the Sun within the astrological chart. Each life form is connected by the Root chakra to the Earth. The root of your being is grounded in the Earth and through the Earth you are incarnated into your Heart which is the pulse of your life or the heartbeat. Upon the breath which is sheltered by the lungs as you enter into incarnation the Heart chakra opens and your chart is born with an alignment between the Earth and the Sun.

At this point the messages are sent forth to the new spirit which has incarnated into space and time with the agreement of the other planets and stars which imprint your being with purpose and configurations with celestial energies. The being arrives with non physical guides that agree to assist in the lifetime. Through the life process in each timeline the goal is transformation from reaction to become a Creator within the physical realm. The Sun is the indication of your spirit and the lower octave is the ego. It is the energy of the collective Soul which you become. The point of birth is the single ray of Sun energy and the life-force that defines your connection made through the Heart Chakra.

Pluto conforms and holds the structure of the physical vehicle and it is lodged in the Root chakra. It contains the outer shell of your being it holds the power at the Root chakra that is connected to the Earth and its closest family members are Mars and Venus. The polarized male Mars energy and female Venus energy create life and end life. Pluto provides the power of life and death. The Root chakra at the bottom depths of your being is the gate to the black hole that opens the doorway of new life and it holds the imprint of the each generation.

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