Gene Keys: Leslie Davis, Rani Curtis, and Dr. Sharnael

1 year ago

Gene Keys: Rani Curtis, Leslie Davis, and Dr. Sharnael

Are you already enthralled with decoding your life, and are ready for next-level knowledge?! This show is for you! We’re talking Gene Keys – how to unlock the “stuck” parts of your Human Design. The book Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose, is the brainchild of Richard Rudd. Rudd was a long-time proponent of Human Design, and then had the divine download of Gene Keys. The premise: to invite you to begin a whole new journey into your life, with keys to all states of consciousness, from the deepest fear-based patterns to the most awe-inspiring possibilities in DNA. Simply, Gene Keys are the way to unlock the door to the ageless, timeless imprint on your soul.

Guest Leslie Davis helps women unfold their essence and bring energy into alignment with their highest truth. She also uses the word “unbecome,” which I love. Leslie guides women to “unbecome” what they are living so they can become – and Re-Member – who their soul is meant to be. Based in Alabama, she can be reached on Instagram at

Guest Rani Curtis is an empowerment coach in New Zealand. She believes that though we can support the physical body – eating right, taking supplements, and ticking every other health box – when there is a misalignment within our soul, it manifests in our physicality as pain, discomfort, and dis-ease. Therefore, it is this misalignment we must unlock to walk our golden path. You can learn more about Rani at

You can learn more about Gene Keys at

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon is a naturopathic doctor, quantum scientist, linguist, and theologian, integrating these disparate wisdoms into one language of miracles. Her scientific approach has helped countless people Re-member TRUTH, Love, and purpose, transmute what does not serve them, and re-code their lives. Her extensive work can be explored at and

Tune in Thursday March 30th at 12:00 noon CST

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