BBC finally reports covid jabs cause severe injury death and compensation due

1 year ago

It's been a long time coming, but finally the BBC reports and admits that the covid (so-called) vaccines do cause severe injury and death.

The mainstream media, especially the BBC, have been nothing more than a propaganda division for the covid criminal cabal that orchestrated the entire catastrophe.

In 2020 they were the engine of the fear campaign. Every evening they would show footage of hospitlised people and trucks taking coffins away, followed by the nightly death figure which was presented on the screen in large red numbers with the virus logo above it. It appeared for 4 seconds on the screen, bearly long enough to read the small line of print underneath it which read 'deaths, for any reason, within 28 days of a positive test'. The key words there of course being 'for any reason'. That means exactly what it says - so if you tested positive on the 1st of the month with no symptons, but were knocked down by a bus on the 27th and killed, you'd go down as a covid death. This was the fear-priming stage. The stage which lasted for about 10 months before the much vaunted 'vaccines' would be available to ensure everyone was suitably terrified and rush to get their 'shot'.

Since then the tides have turned. The amount of excess deaths that have occured since the injections rollout has been staggering, as are the horrendous rates of illness. Clearly the injections are responsible for this, and now the pile of corpses and stench of death is so overwhelming it can be hidden no longer.

The BBC here sheepishly report on the greatest criminal act of medical malfeasance the world has ever known, which should be biggest story in the news by far.

Now that they are admitting the injections DO cause harm, this fact is no longer in question. Just how much harm is all that remains to be calculated. So why are the injections still being pushed and not immediately pulled from the shelves???

Compensation to those harmed should be swift, but even swifter should be the indicements of all those who have participated in this global crime and be dealt with to the full extent of the law.

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