is 17 - 24 grain Dense modern Smokeless a 3 Dram black powder Equivalent at a 5 to 1 performance?

1 year ago

using black powder available for the previous 1000 years since 904 AD a 1904 catalog listing 12 gauge a 1&1/8 oz of 112 to 740 pellet #2 to #9 bird shot starting at 5000 psi & at 1200FPS 10 feet from a 30 inch barrel required 82 grains of black powder = a 3 Dram performance Equivalent

1887 Dense "modern" Smokeless 10,000 psi
22 grain L&R Infallible"
24 grain "Ballistite"
30 grains Walsrode New Green

1895 Bulk volume matching Smokeless 7500 psi
36 grain DuPont
36 grain Schultze New E.C. # 2
37 grain Blue Ribbon Hazard
42 grain Schultze E.C.# 1
(12 - 21)

1997 - 2019 Hodgdon, Alliant, federal, & Winchester, data on 3 dram black powder
Bushing / volumetric values for reloading smokeless span 17 - 24 grains by mass

modern/dense smokeless powder per grain/dram has 3.4 to 4.8
times the power of a black powder charge so use 20% to 30%

up to 50 pounds of black powder & 20 pounds of smokeless powder or black powder substitute is legal to posses ONLY IF commercially manufactured BUT their is no amount, possession & transport limit sulfur, charcoal & potassium nitrate to make black powder ONLY 1 pound at a time for 300 reloades or more BUT ONLY for personal use & after its mixed do not transport it at all = alliant powder reloaders guide page 28 = Hodgdon Basic Manual page 28 = Winchester-Reloaders-Manual page 18 = federal shot shell reloading data page 3

= all citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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