Why Men Go Silent Rather Than Speaking Up

3 years ago

Why Do Guys Go Silent After An Argument? This woman called me in a very anxious state. I’ve been dating this guy for a month. He had to me to Thanksgiving, introduced me to his cousin, and now he is acting distant. He has not texted or called like he usually does. He’s been texting/calling everyday for the last 70 days. The woman, told me, she felt really hurt that he has pulled away and didn’t even want to respond. Yesterday, he texted me and said he is is in a funk and that is why he is reaching out less. I felt bad for the guy and I felt bad for the woman I was speaking to. Both were clearly in pain and not speaking the same language. So why did he go distant for over a week and not just tell this woman before she got pissed and basically assumed the relationship was over?

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