10 Dangerous Dams in the World !!

1 year ago

1. Three Gorges Dam, China - This dam on the Yangtze River is the world's largest power station, but its construction displaced over a million people and has raised concerns about its stability and impact on the surrounding environment.

2. Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia - This dam on the Nile River has been a source of tension between Ethiopia and downstream countries Egypt and Sudan, as it could potentially reduce the water flow to those countries.

3. Mosul Dam, Iraq - This dam on the Tigris River has been described as the most dangerous dam in the world due to its unstable foundation and risk of collapse, which could result in catastrophic flooding.

4. Vajont Dam, Italy - This dam suffered a catastrophic failure in 1963, resulting in a massive landslide and tsunami that killed over 2,000 people in the surrounding area.

5. Oroville Dam, United States - This dam in California faced a crisis in 2017 when heavy rains caused its spillway to erode, leading to the evacuation of over 180,000 people.

6. Hoover Dam, United States - This dam on the Colorado River is a major source of hydroelectric power, but its construction resulted in the displacement of thousands of people and the destruction of Native American sacred sites.

7. Aswan Dam, Egypt - This dam on the Nile River is a major source of hydroelectric power and irrigation, but its construction led to the displacement of thousands of people and the loss of important archaeological sites.

8. Tarbela Dam, Pakistan - This dam on the Indus River is the largest earth-filled dam in the world, but its construction displaced thousands of people and has led to environmental degradation.

9. Hidroituango Dam, Colombia - This dam on the Cauca River has faced numerous delays and environmental concerns, and a 2018 construction accident caused a landslide that killed several workers.

10. Kariba Dam, Zimbabwe/Zambia - This dam on the Zambezi River has faced concerns about its structural integrity and its impact on downstream ecosystems, including fisheries and wildlife.

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