Harvey Risch and the Brave New Medical World

1 year ago

Episode 117: Brave New Medical World with Dr. Harvey Risch

Today we go from E to V!! We start with Epidemiology and what it really is, and how to understand it … all the way to the trending world of Virtual Health Care and the new face of medical care and excellent customer service.

Guess who’s back?!! We are grateful to have with us again, the highly intelligent and wise Dr. Harvey Risch. Tim and my brain power combined doesn’t match his intellectual acumen when it comes to understanding and deciphering the data on published medical studies. He joined us way back on Episode #25 called “Follow The Herd” ( see his bio below to know how he understands all the data so well!)

Today we discuss the definition of Epidemiology- what it really is, why it matters and how it affects science and YOU! It seems that pharma has been controlling the narrative, not only convincing us that randomized controlled trials are the gold standard of Medicine, but by even controlling the publications and data we see.

Dr. Risch also has embarked on a new venture as Chief Epidemiologist for The Wellness Company . They believe in putting the patient first, while supporting medical rights and freedoms and providing highest quality affordable healthcare. With the increasing popularity of online health services, this convenient access to physicians also offers lower costs for care and medicines with similar values in medical freedom and truth.
To quote Dr. Risch:
“This is a company where doctors and experts can use their experience to make sound judgments when it comes to treating each and every unique patient the best way they know how - based on the best evidence available to them."

That sounds like something we ALL can get behind! Click below to check them out!

The Wellness Company

Dr. Risch at TWC

MORE on Dr. Harvey Risch

He is a Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at the Yale School of Public Health and Yale School of Medicine. He received his MD degree from the University of California San Diego and PhD from the University of Chicago. After serving as a postdoctoral fellow in cancer epidemiology at the University of Washington, Dr. Risch was a faculty member in epidemiology and biostatistics at the University of Toronto before going to Yale. Dr. Risch is an author of more than 400 original peer-reviewed research publications in the medical literature and those research papers have been cited by other scientific publications more than 46,000 times.

Our Advice!
Everything in this podcast is for educational purposes only. It does not constitute the practice of medicine and we are not providing medical advice. No Physician-patient relationship is formed and anything discussed in this podcast does not represent the views of our employers.

The Fine Print!
All opinions expressed by the hosts or guests in this episode are solely their opinion and are not to be used as specific medical advice. The hosts, May and Tim Hindmarsh MD, BS Free MD LLC, or any affiliates thereof are not under any obligation to update or correct any information provided in this episode. The guest's statements and opinions are subject to change without notice.

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