A Cabale of Demagogues called "The Bloodline" controls the United States

1 year ago

#DeSantis, Il Magnifico, the #War you are waging is not against #Woke culture but against an elitist group, a #cabal of demagogues who will not hesitate to burn this world to the ground to stay their power: The Bloodline or the #deepstate. 

The #war over #bitcoin and US #hegemony is the cabal losing power. It is a great advantage that @rondesantisfl is a #narcissist. It means, no matter what, you will do what the #ego wants by any means necessary. #DonaldTrump is a renegade. However, as he said, the game is rigged. 

So far, you have been asking for power. Power is taken, not given. Alexander the Great, Louis XIV, Julius Cesar, Gengis Khan Charle Quint, or Napoleon Bonaparte didn't ask for power. They took it from the elite with the support of the people, of course.

Who finances those losers, #ecotherrist, #woke, #abortion terrorist? It is those same superrich who feed on #chaos.  That one percenters are the one who put people in power. They are the ones who dictate the #CIA, #FBI or even #POTUS. So much so that in order to become officially a president in #France or in #Haiti, you have to be initiated and pass the rite. But what is the point when all they bring is destruction.

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