"LOCRIAN" an original tune for jazz trio.....

1 year ago

Preston Murphy-Bass
Joe Brancenforte-Drums
Michael Stark-Guitar
Have you heard the Locrian scale,
It's a musical mode that can surely regale.
It starts and ends on a diminished chord,
And it's often seen as quite avant-garde.

Some people find it quite obscure,
But to me, it's a mode that's pure.
The Locrian scale has a unique sound,
It's often used in jazz and can be quite profound.

The seventh note is flatted, you see,
It gives it a unique quality.
It's perfect for creating tension,
And it can add to any musical invention.

The Locrian mode may be rarely heard,
But it's worth exploring, that's my word.
It has a dark and mysterious tone,
And it's perfect for expressing the unknown.

The Locrian mode is not for the faint,
It's not something you'll hear in a saint.
It's a mode for those who like to explore,
And create music that's worth much more.

Locrian, Locrian, oh how you do impress,
With your diminished chord and mysterious finesse.
You add a unique flavor to any tune,
And make it something special, not just a swoon.

The Locrian scale may be rarely used,
But when it is, it's sure to amuse.
It's perfect for those who like to experiment,
And create music that's quite different.

Locrian, Locrian, you're quite the mode,
A musical wonder that's not been bestowed.
You add depth and tension to any song,
And you'll be remembered long after it's gone.

Locrians, an ancient Greek ethnic group
Locrian Greek, ancient Greek dialect spoken by the Locrians
Locris, the territory of the Locrians
In music:

Locrian mode, a musical mode or diatonic scale
Major Locrian scale, the scale obtained by sharpening the second and third degrees of the locrian mode
Locrian sharp 2 or Half diminished scale, a musical scale commonly used in jazz and some rock

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