2023-3-23 Romans 14: Why Are You Not Loving Your Brother (Fellow Believer)?

1 year ago

Romans chapter 14
Rabbi Sha'ul ate Kosher. One proof of this is what he said when he was on trial:

Acts 25:8 (TLV) Paul said in his defense, “I have committed no offense against the Torah of the Jewish people, or against the Temple, or against Caesar.”

Acts 28:17 (TLV) “Brothers, although I had done nothing against our people or the customs of our fathers, I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans."

Jewish people eat kosher. The Torah commands to eat kosher. So he couldn't have said what he did if he was eating non-kosher.

However, we do not judge believers who do not eat kosher. Messianic Jewish believers connected with the MJAA, do not require Gentile believers who attend their congregations to eat kosher. They allow them to do as they feel led by God. They do expect (but don't demand, though) Jewish believers in Messiah to eat kosher.

Live YouTube chat during this live recording:
Shawn Kinney: Mom made pork chops tonight. I had a cheeseburger. She uses what YESHUA says, "It's not what goes in the mouth but what comes out."

Shawn Kinney: She's Baptist and not Jewish, but because Dad's Jewish, I'm Jewish and live by scripture.

Heather: ❤ gotta go. Thank you. Hugs!

Cheryl Z: Love you!

Shawn Kinney: Exactly! I don't argue. You eat what you want. I don't have to answer for anyone but me.

Cheryl Z: We don't judge regular church people who eat non-kosher. It is between them and God what they do.

The schedule Pastor Glenn loosely follows:
Shabbat: Going through the whole Bible. Currently in the book of Judges.
Tuesday evening: Torah Parasha study
Thursday: Continue the book of Romans study.
Days in between: A short "Daily Fig" message

Bible version he likes: The Scriptures: https://www.bible.com/bible/316/GEN.1.TS2009

Pastor Glenn grew up on a 100 head Mennonite dairy farm. He joined a charismatic church as a young adult. At age 26, he joined the Air Force reserves. So he is a farmer boy turned military man and construction worker who became a Messianic Jewish Pastor. He and his wife volunteered in Jerusalem, 2006-2007. There he learned that his family name is Jewish. Later his Dad, Mom, and uncle told him his family has Jewish lineage on both sides. Since then he has been leading small congregations in Northern New York state (12 years), and in Alaska (4 years). He's the loving father of 6 and grandfather of 7. He's a down-to-earth, practical, manly man preacher.

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