A NaNa Republic

1 year ago

[Transitional Times Poem Collection] -
‘’A NaNa Republic’ draws on two terms – ‘Nanny State’ and ‘Banana Republic’ – a combination of which would appear to be functioning in Ireland and doubtless other countries around the world. It is an attempt to highlight some ‘ongoing issues’ and support a ‘deeper awareness’, along with some ‘critical thinking’, as we seek to move forward into a better ‘way of being’ and regain our sovereignty, both personal and national.

The term ‘Nanny Republic’ is described as “a term of British origin that conveys a view that a government or its policies are overprotective or interfering unduly with personal choice. The term likens such a government to the role that a nanny has in child rearing”

The term ‘Banana Republic’ is described as “a small country … that is politically unstable and whole economy is dominated by foreign companies and depends on one export”

Are we having our ‘reputation’ or our ‘spirits and souls’ compromised and traded??! Answers on a ‘ballot paper’ please!!

This poem was written on 10th January 2023 and falls into the poem collection which I refer to as 'Transitional Times’ which normally contains 'a variety of Motivational and Commentary poems exploring issues of the time'.

A NaNa Republic

A NaNa Republic – that’s what we have …
creating Statutes and Acts, making life drab.
‘Do it yourself’ mode - that’s all we now get!
Reminders via email … ‘You haven’t paid yet’!
Politicians, devotional to themselves … as we see with pension packs,
And money for accommodations , meals, tea and travels!

And Work ‘Corporations’ … supported by ongoing incentives.
Supposedly ‘eco correct’?! Let’s reflect …
Then, what we actually see … it’s more profit, for ‘them’, not for you or me.
We get ‘self-serve’ … then need to buy printers, ink and paper! Just think!
So ‘they’ get to seem – ‘earth friendly’ … just dapper!!
Go get down the crapper … ‘Woke’ using this Corporate thing?!

But it’s our independence?! No, it’s a crime, their crime …
We buy a potential, ‘x’ billion printers … so they can save dimes?!
As they pretend to save the earth??
Not seeing this yet? Look beyond it’s face!
Don’t care about us, the earth or the human race.
To ‘them’ it’s just about profit and who wins 1st place!

State interfering … collecting taxes and VAT
Banning ‘old ways’ … some not so bad.
But others, just controlling. I think,
In fact, know now - we’re being had …
Limiting our reach, manipulating our lives …
Acting in constant .. ‘Constitutional breach’.
Woke and greedy … ‘Failing in their Duty’.
We’re being denied, delimited, delineated …
but we will not be defeated. If only …
Oh for God sake now … You’d get up off your seat.

Then the story of … ‘Services outsourced’ …
both ineffective and costly …
Jobs for the ’corps’ and boys, I reckon mostly!
In effect for them … it ensures ‘accountability’ is slow.
For justice … which way do you go? Bloody show!
Of course then, include in this, the NGO’s
Anyone know, to who or where these monies go?
Funds available for the ‘obtuse’,
but not for us or our needy?
Their plans, they have no rationale …
They certainly undermine the National.
Some outright and entirely irrational.

We are, as a State, being dictated to by Corporate and EU relations.
Leading only to undue limitations and inflations.
Inflations and personal limitations …
Yea?! Let’s all look deeper and actually see …
The reality … ‘They’ now, no longer serve you, and me ..
Or our Island and our Nation State.
A ‘nana’ republic … bananas indeed … filled with greed.
It’s not just a faction, but a whole bloody show. We now know.

Fun Verse … Moore Street Traders …
“Get your fresh bananas today, tuppence a bunch”
Old refrains!!! Overtaken by ‘wokist’ invaders!
Anyone know what I’m talking about?!
Well, who’d want now, or should go give ‘tuppence’
For these bananas … the mushed up *~!~*
‘you know what’ … and slippery ‘CANTS!!
No song for those or them, emm hmm, and their ‘endless trades’
Lowered … bent over … in their ankle pants …
Oh dear, perhaps we should cut that verse out!!

“Fresh bananas today, tuppence a bunch.”
HemHm. I don’t think I’ll have them for lunch!!

Louise, 10-1-23

For more from my ‘Transitional Times’ Poem Collection see YouTube “Poetry & Me @ Louiseiology” https://www.youtube.com/@Louiseiology

For creations from all Poem Collections, see Rumble “Louiseiology & Poetry” https://rumble.com/c/LouiseiologyPoems

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