Goonies 'R' Good Enough by Cyndi Lauper

1 year ago

"The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" is a 1985 song by Cyndi Lauper featured on the official soundtrack for The Goonies. It was released as a single with a two-part music video to coincide with the movie's release.

The music video for "The Goonies 'R' Good Enough" is split into two parts. A number of WWE Wrestlers, Captain Lou Albano, Roddy Piper, Wendi Richter, The Fabulous Moolah, The Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, Freddie Blassie and André the Giant, acted in the videos alongside Steven Spielberg, Lauper's real-life mother, and the Goonies themselves. Lauper also had The Bangles, friends of hers before their fame, play parts as pirates.

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