Hi Tech Custom Concepts Howitzer70 KSG Muzzle Brake Review

7 years ago

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Hi Tech Custom Concepts Howitzer70 Muzzle Brake Review

The Hi-Tech Custom Concepts Howitzer70 Muzzle Brake is yuuge! It's a lot bigger than I thought. It's about the size of my palm from top to bottom and about 3/4 of the width if I am holding my fingers straight up.

The Howitzer70 muzzle brake is installed fairly easily. The most difficult part of the process is getting the OEM barrel nut off. If you bought a KSG muzzle device and didn't get a special tool to take off the barrel nut... Good luck. I couldn't find a source on how to take it off without one of the special tools. Better buy the tool if you want to remove the barrel nut.

To install you just screw it on, find the correct timing with the flat washers/shims, and throw some medium strength loctite on and thread it on.

In all honesty I didn't really feel like the Howitzer70 did a ton to reduce recoil with target loads. To be fair the before and after shots were months apart from each other, but looking at the muzzle rise from the videos I didn't notice a huge difference.

However, I would greatly assume with slugs, the MB helps a lot. It seemed to have just as much muzzle rise with the MB on than it did target loads without a MB. I assume this made a huge difference but unfortunately I didn't have any before shots of me shooting slugs to compare.

I did notice some debris was hitting my support hand when I would shoot slugs. I didn't notice it with target loads. I think the added pressure was causing some debris to get kicked out of the muzzle brake. It didn't hurt or cause damage, but I did notice some light impacts on my hands. I also later found some fouling on the shotgun shells that were in the 14 shell ammo carrier on top, so those gases are definitely getting kicked back.

Overall the Howitzer70 muzzle brake isn't for everyone. It's somewhat pricey but not completely ridiculous. It definitely makes the gun look badass. If you want to ensure your recoil stays manageable with slugs, this thing would help a lot, I think.

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