KAK Industry MP5K Buffer Tube Adapter

7 years ago

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Check out the KAK Industry MP5 Buffer Tube Adapter here

Hey guys!

Here's a product that some of you with MP5k's and its variants may not know about. The KAK Industry MP5K Buffer Tube Adapter. It allows you to connect a traditional AR-15 buffer tube to your MP5K. This can be used to connect a stock if you have an SBR, or a pistol brace such as the Sig brace I have in my video.

The adapter itself is only $50 + S&H which isn't bad at all. If you already have the buffer tube and stock/brace then you're done! If not, they can be found for pretty cheap. I got my brace and pistol tube for $60 used. So I was able to get that for about $120 which is a heck of a lot better than that $200+ for the regular MP5K pistol braces out there.

I'll be using this setup until my SBR form 1 comes back and then I'll throw one of the folding stocks on it.

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