Mithra, Lucifer and the Black Sun. The Influence of Mithraic Mysteries on the Western World

1 year ago

Mithra, Lucifer and the Black Sun. The Influence of Mithraic Mysteries on the Western World - Jason Reza Jorjani PhD
The Greatest Secrets of the Ancient World Provide a Key to Understanding Humanities True History.
Mithra - Influence of Mithraic Mysteries on the Western World - Jason Reza Jorjani PhD
38,043 views Oct 28, 2021 #Gnostic #GnosticInformant #Magi
Mithra was a Sun God, but not the god of the Sun itself, but an ASPECT of the Sun:
SOL INVICTUS "The Unconquerable Sun, also associated with Lucifer, the Morning Star Venus.
Mithraism was always related to the Military and the Culture of War. Though Mithraism is concidered a Religion, it is actually far more like the Traditional Mystery School Teachings. The beliefs and teachings of those who practiced were always shrouded in Secrecy and never made truly public.
The Aryans, aka the Proto-Europeans had a far, far bigger effect on World History than most Mainstream Academics will ever admit. Ancient India, the Greek's and the Persians all shared the Same Origins.
Mithra is known by most as a Persian god. But this is not completely true. Mithra was derived from an Indian deity.
Just like the Greek's, India had 2 Separate Pantheon of gods, the Titan's and the Olympians. The god that was adopted to become Mithra was considered to be equivalent to A FALLEN ANGEL GOD.
It was also originally a hermaphrodite, both male and female, just like Baphomet. So there was both a Male god and a Female goddess associated with this deity in every culture that it was known. Mithra is associated with Lucifer and Venus. This is WHY Venus, a female goddess can be a Male god Lucifer at the same time.

History of Mithra, from the Vedic Mitra-Varuna to Mithra Sol-Invictus of the Roman Empire. The First Pirates of the Mediterranean were Persians. The Mystery Religion of Mithraism was introduced to the Roman Military Elite through interaction with these Pirates.
In this video we discuss how the Ancient Rites of the Magi in Ancient Iran influenced the main 3 religions of the west, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Links for Dr. Jason Reza Jorjani: #JasonRezaJorjani #Mithra #Magi #Gnostic #GnosticInformant
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