What's really happening? Is this the work of God or of Satan?

1 year ago

In this short clip I visit a post I just made on truth social on Daniel chapter 2 and Revelation 20 in regards to what time is it? Is it time for the mark of the beast and the antichrist and the things of the great tribulation and end of Satan?

Or, is it time for the end of the kingdoms of captivity and the time Daniel talks about in chapter 2, of God raising up his great end times kingdom that destroys the kingdoms of the toes of the statue that king Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream?

I believe it's the time of the of the age Jesus spoke of & is recorded in Mathew 24 and not the time of the great and final tribulation.

Folks, we've, got 1000 years to go.

And think of the man what you will, but pray for him, Donald J. Trump has made reference 3 times that I'm aware of, about 1000 years of peace. Well, it sure looks like it's time for that 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace in the absence of the great deceiver which according to Revelation 20 and Daniel chapter 2 comes before that great and final day of the end when Satan is defeated once and for all.

Take all this to God in prayer through Jesus Christ and his holy spirit.

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