1575 Francesco Rampazetto Leems Boyste vertical plane Ken Webster BBC Micro EDWORD Dodleston 2109

1 year ago

in U.S. Navy a tradition any submarine that did not return, is considered “Eternally still on patrol.” & NOT lost at sea & every year on a frequency the more ancient submarines could receive seasons greetings to 65 subs hailed by name & a total of 4000 officers & crew since 1915
or this is a myth?

Cheshire, England economics teacher Ken Webster claimed in his 1989 "vertical plane" book that from 1984 to 1986 while in an 18th-century brick cottage in Dodleston England
a 16Kb BBC Micro running an EDWORD processor ROM received data files from 1575 & or 2109 so he hand wrote them onto the walls in chalk, then to paper, & then seeing this system could expand to 272Kb, a 20MB HDD & connect to Kermit telnet & BBS networks via 1 RS-423 serial port & 2 parallel ports! he then printed them out, & then saved them to floppy disc ,

the book also claimed some of the messages were sent by a Leems Boyste, or light box SEO
some believers decided it was from Venice Italy's Francesco Rampazetto who may have made a rudimentary mechanism to emboss letters into paper for the blind BUT it was first mentioned ONLY in a 1924 article & there is No patent, image, or primary source profing this was made

bbc micro error codes that may interest ewe
15 = Subscript
7 = No FN
5 = Missing comma
21 = -ve root
09 = Missing quotation

do sites sell his book as paranormal, haunting, channeling, ESP, ARG, SciFi & non fiction?
can books published as non-fiction about real-life experiences never be sci-fi or just
an unreliable narrator & are historical "non fiction" books that were wrong ever fiction ?

https://archive.ph/PHJQ5 Error messages

= citations archived due to youtube link bot & censor flag threats

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