TheDimStream LIVE: A Silent Voice (2016) | Withnail and I (1987)

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Join Alex and me for a livestream, tonight at 9:30 ET! We'll talk about the films, "A Silent Voice: The Movie" and "Withnail and I."

Live Chat:

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Where is Alex?
QriistSupporterdead or dying
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+what is new
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Live feed of alex is available on
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Jason has a beer belly like mine, I like him already



JQuickDrawColey looks like HAL from 2001

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

JQuickDrawbut Irish


JQuickDrawSo this is a bad movie right?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+paul mcgann

EgerogDr Who is dead to me


JQuickDrawI love their shoes. Oh wait, that's Thom McAn
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+richard e grant is brilliant in hudson hawk
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+it's the writers life as a struggling actor
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Bev, you uncultured american ffs
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Coley got it
Now I'm calling you a ponce
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Sic her oscar
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+it's meant to be like that
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+do not attempt anything with the gloves
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Exactly Coley, it was intended
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+have you tried brushing him

TehLordColeySupporterI figured it was intended, so, gratz on achieving the goal
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+ponce is slang for a poof
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+a fag

JQuickDrawPonce de Leon?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+means gay

JQuickDrawYou're a conquistador, Beverly

JQuickDrawwhat about a nonce? Or a fop?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+ponce is a grey term, it can be used to say someone is a gayboy, but it can mean a person is acting gay rather than being gay
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+nonce touches children different thing
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+they needed the legs
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+to sit either side of the brick
even for a yank you have missed everything about the point of this film, bev
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+do you americans have any culture?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+you have box sets
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+help me out here coley

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Talk about withnail and I, stop talking about your shit american shows

EgerogI love videos where they take clips of almost sunny and make they warhammer 40k charecters

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+If I was trans and have a gun, you'd all be dead

JQuickDrawAlways Sunny is like if a bunch of sociopaths are trying to do the right thing, but they're sociopaths, so you know, they manipulate and terrorize people on the regular.

AlexofAllTradesGonna ruin the stream from afar:
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+@TheDimSide WITHNAIL&I MUDDERFUDDER

MudderFetcherStreamRuinerAlex is best Alex

EgerogSouth park is good at making fun of both sides (Turd sandwich vs Giant Douche) perfect example
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+alex, help, bev is being retarded

AlexofAllTradesVaginas suck.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+deadly vacuum vaginas of arizona

JQuickDrawVaginas have teeth. I saw a movie about it.

AlexofAllTradesI watched that movie with an SO right before a romantic getaway. He wouldn’t let me touch him for hours!
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Alex, we've heard how you yell at missy to get down, any man would be scared to get an erection near you




JQuickDrawPatrice = GOAT

AlexofAllTradesHe was great.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+get back to withnail

JQuickDrawHe was THE BEST at incorporating the crowd as part of his normal routines.

Egerogoften guest on Opie and Anthony i wish he was still around

AlexofAllTrades2 a lot

Egeroghe also did one the firs web junk shows
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+want to know the funny story about why lots of blacks have scottish surnames?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+after the highlands of scotland fought the english, they sent them to their colonies as slaves, where they married other slaves, usually black.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+a man nearly got raped
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+he's a pred
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+@lordcoley a firm young carrot
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+neither are gay


AlexofAllTradesToilet something was an obvious gay man term.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+toilet trader

AlexofAllTradesRight. That’s when I knew.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+you liked it though alex?

AlexofAllTradesMostly. Reminded me a lot of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+@TheDimSide I'm melting!!!
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+@alex yes same

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+TunedToKey is a very handsome man! No homo.

AlexofAllTradesYes. He’s also got better hair than me.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+I have better long man hair than key


ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Just got here, by the way. I came for the anime.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+he looks like he could be my son lol

AlexofAllTradesLook at the replies too!
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+jesus wtf

JQuickDrawThe romantic music is a nice touch.

JQuickDrawNut: A Love story
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+I couldn't nut 6 times a week never kind a day

AlexofAllTradesI’m dying she doesn’t know that phrase.

JQuickDrawNutting is good, no cap fr fr

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Nut = ejaculation
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+bev is so pure lol

AlexofAllTradesGuys, she’s just feeding him nuts! Dirty minds! 😜

JQuickDrawSo does a trans woman nutella?

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+crunchy pb is satans nutsack
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Richard E Grant

JQuickDrawor Ulysses S
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+the drinking lighter fuel scene
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+they put booze in it to make him puke
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Champagne has bubbles due to dust
QriistSupporterNight everyone!
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Jason, take care dude, lovely to meet a fellow belly boy lol

JQuickDrawlater you sleepy bastard
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+me too mate
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+wait jason is q?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+aww I already loved you man

JQuickDrawYou don't have to nut, if you don't then it's called balling
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
I think she's exaggerating for attention. For a guy, even a young guy, two to three times a day, maximum - and not possible over long-term.

AlexofAllTradesMen can orgasm a puff of air.

JQuickDrawthis is true, the orgasm and the ejaculation are separate physical events in the bodt


WinkyWankyWooSupporter+alex, your taste in men is terrible lass
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+it's the story of I
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+withnail is the comic relief
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+withnail is based on a real person lol

AlexofAllTradesOr I just made a man orgasm six times in a day once. You don’t know.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+check your DMS alex

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+you are safe, was a joke

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+or am I just lulling you

JQuickDrawDon't search BME Pain Olympics whatever you do.

AlexofAllTradesOh, the cervix should not be hit.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+TIL: LordColey is a girl.

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+I did karate as an 8 year old, and I kicked a girl between the legs and she crumpled into a crying heap and I thought, hell yeah bitch now you know how it feels

JQuickDrawHe kinda looks like John Paul Jones
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+I wasn't 8, I just did karate with 8 year olds, I'm 47.

TehLordColeySupporterWell, it hurts a girl, too. It just doesn't hurt as much, or as long.

TehLordColeySupporterCervix bump is a loooot closer. Can never prove it's the same, but I'd guess it's the same.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+It's due to density of nerves

MudderFetcherthis chat is equally sexy and awful lol
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+in women that is
Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
Apparently, according to many, many people, testicular torsion is the worst pain a human can feel. Worse than getting your bones scraped.


$1 dirty tissues only 5 dollah this month

JQuickDrawbooty cooties
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+what are cooties?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+scrubbers means SLAGS
Isn't it awfully nice to own a

JQuickDrawlove Python . . .and now for something completely different

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+TIL: Alex is a gril.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+she may not be a princess, but she is all woman
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Bev and Coley have deeper voices than TTK

MudderFetcherAlex keeps starting bar fights...very sexy lol
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+is there anything not wrong with you miss princess alex?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+long story short, she gave birth to a kidney stone and named it Bob
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+he used to steal drugs

JQuickDrawFaucet's misspelling reminded me - has anyone seen Bear Grylls in Ukraine?

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Quick, no, but I want to know more!
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+miss mystery meat

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+You know, Alex, you could just go BY YOUR FULL NAME.


ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh. I am so, so sorry.

JQuickDrawApparently, Grylls is a fraud? I didn't know this. But recently he did a show in Ukraine, where he met Zelensky. It was cringe, of course.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+yeah Putin and Hitler were right

Rumble Premium UserSupporter+
What you are talking about reminds me of the British crime movie "Sexy Beast".
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+we are adults, we don't watch anime
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+A silent fart

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++Hello Rumblers
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+why you always so late beavers?

Guyinroom83hello rumblers from me also

Guyinroom83and 'pabeaver'
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+hey guy

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Japan's version of "disabled" is seen in "Akira".

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++A beavr arrives exactly when it needs to and it is difficult to stop gnawing logs lone enough to do anything else

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++and Hello @WinkWankyWoo and @Guyinroom83

Guyinroom83I heard Japan is harsh on people who stand out, they are shamed or ignored if they do. And they ignore homeless etc, disabled

Guyinroom83based on what an ex who was from japan (raised there) said (although she was a bit mentally unstable herself)

Guyinroom83@pbeavr is this you?

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++No idea. I doubt it. I do not use youtube. But there may be sightings of me in the wild. Though they are rare

EgerogI think in Japan part of the pedagogy is to keep the cohort together as one group despite disability

Guyinroom83@pbeavr beavers are very pro free speech, did not know, cool
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+open the door HAL

Guyinroom83'the shape of wudder' - the philly version

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Japanese pidgin English.

JQuickDrawThe D&D movie is annoying because they are not doing a straight fantasy story. They overlay modern sensibilities and humor on the swords & sorcery template.


Guyinroom83them doing board games as a movie is kinda ridiculous too. like them doing 'battleship'

Guyinroom83hope to see a tetris live action film one day
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+come on TTK, inject some much needed testosterone

TunedToKeyThey are making a live action Terri's movie @Guyinroom83

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+it smells of fish in here ffs
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+you can tell them to shut up at any time TTK

Guyinroom83oh ok. just googled and it looks like the tetris one is kinda a biopic about the inventing of the game
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+@alex, your background morphs your shoulder into your chair and I can't stop laughing
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Please say esmerelda
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+it's true, alex has a hump
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+know it's her chair

Guyinroom83ummm.. i think being deaf or disabled is now called 'neurodivergent', Coley. do better.

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+ray winstone was the fat guy


Guyinroom83'based and redpilled'

Guyinroom83yes I am
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+bev has no taste

Guyinroom83liked it at first, now sick of it unless it's rick and morty

Guyinroom83oh. i think thats different than the joss whedon style I was thinking of

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+american humour is not meta and is barely humour.

JQuickDrawwinking, self-referential humor, and (internet) snark is just done for me

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+With all the surprise appearances of Matt Damon in movies today, I have $1 bet that he randomly shows up in the D&D movie.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Mhaaat Daaayhhmon

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+But, this is, like, the fifth time they have tried to do a D&D movie. The one with the Wayans guy was horrible...

JQuickDrawFor a second I was like, wait isn't Damon in the previews? I am starting to confuse Chris Pine with Damon lol.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...But, the very low-budget sequel was extremely loyal to the game and its rules.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+those wayan peoples are awful, all their films are just so bad

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Major Payne was awesome.

TehLordColeySupporterI've seen some really great D&D stories on Youtube, fan-made.

JQuickDrawMajor Payne lol - "That's not an injury. It's just a little tricka."

TehLordColeySupporterThose, while often cringey, pretty much nail it.

JQuickDrawThe movie Dragonslayer from 1981 I think was really good.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Remember the made-for-TV movie "Mazes and Monsters" with Tom Hanks? He was, like, 20 years old in the movie.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh, yeah. Dragonslayer. That movie scarred me. It was a Disney movie, so I was thinking it would be like "Pete's Dragon". Nope. Not at all.

JQuickDrawoh yeah, I have it downloaded somewhere. Larping was the latest danger for the kids to avoid at the time

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++This stream just took an unexpected turn

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++boom chic ah wah wah

JQuickDrawThere's a scene in Dragonslayer where the wizard holds the Christian cross on the kid's neck and looks at it wistfully, like he realizes that he and his kind are doomed. It's really well acted.

Guyinroom83fellow nyc resident Moetown!

pbeavrRumble Premium UserSubSupporter++The priest in Dragonslayer was later Emperor Palpatine

Guyinroom83isnt every bot a sexbot?



ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"That's horrible! WHere?"

JQuickDrawOh wow, I did not remember McDermott in Dragonslayer, gotta go watch it again now.

Guyinroom83China is not a fan of those feminine anime men

JQuickDrawAny robotic technology will eventually be funneled into enhancing sexual gratification. This is inevitable.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Oh, drama! The case against Justin Roiland was thrown out of court due to lack of evidence.

JQuickDraw@ChicagoFaucet Hahaha why am I not surprised.

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+There are several Alexa skills that also mimic a GM for an RPG.

JQuickDrawHe knows how to get it up. Good. Good.

Guyinroom83I guess they're not born that way after all

EgerogBest sex bot was it the film Cheri 2000 with Melony Grifith
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+NOW i'M CALLING YOU A PONCE...PONCE

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+I remember in the movie "A.I." Jude Law played the male sex bot model, but I also remember thinking that the female model was extremely attractive.

Guyinroom83i swear to God I assumed MoeTown would be indian bc of him being so into tech
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Tay chatbot said hitler was right

Guyinroom83I bet you do

JQuickDrawChad GPT answers your questions before you ask, because he's Chad.


Guyinroom83@Chicago I weirdly don't even remember the female model. I used to watch that movie a lot honestly. I loved it actually

JQuickDrawSo it was supposed to be a stream about a couple of movies, and I think more than 50% has been sex talk. Not complaining, just an observation.

Guyinroom83@Chicago It was maybe a little too long though, but very cool

JQuickDrawlol but you'd still hit it 3 times before cutting it off :)

Guyinroom83I feel the same way when couples are having sex only to make a kid bc she's ovulating at that time, etc. It's like not sexy at all

JQuickDrawforced ejaculation, I think that's a genre of pron.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+men cannot nut that many times a day though
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+even a horny teenage boy would struggle
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+bald man rowing a boat

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+"Autómata" with Antonio Banderas was a really good movie about AI that was similar to the book "I, Robot"...

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+...At the end, there is a physical "uncanny valley".

Guyinroom83'greasin' the gash'

Guyinroom83hence his name
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+axe wound on a gorillas back

Guyinroom83nice, a bass player
you all suck

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

ChicagoFaucetRumble Premium UserSupporter+Screw Discord. Lame.

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

JQuickDrawwhat, with the 2014 shit version?

TheDimSideAdminRumble Premium User

JQuickDrawthere's your comparison, 2014 Robocop is shit lol

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+watch some american shit, you can't handle proper films

Guyinroom83judge dredd? seems similar

JQuickDrawScience fiction, how about The 13th Floor?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+adam sandler jew shit?
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+japs are psycho about that

Guyinroom83playing any kind of music video or song in a video on YT seems a huge no no

JQuickDrawAlphabet seems to want to strangle its own child at this point. They want to transform YT into a cable channel with ads and paid content.

TehLordColeySupporterYoutube so desperately wants to be taken serisouly.

Guyinroom83idk what I'd do if I didn't have adblock or brave, youtube's ads are insane now.

JQuickDrawBrave is remarkable. It seems to mimic the IP blocking level of UBlock Origin, which I did not think possible.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+80% of my browser is adblock apps

TehLordColeySupporterI often forget they do ads, other than people reminding me. Adblockage all the way. Sorry to the Youtubers ('cause they get a little bit of that based on watch time) IIRC, but I just can't.

TehLordColeySupporterThat IIRC was supposed to be inside the "( )"

JQuickDrawYou really can't tell what Youtubers get or do not get, because YT will demonetize their content behind the scenes.

Guyinroom83yeah, i even use brave to use YT on my phone. its more of a pain but not really honestly
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+Coley still uses IRC

JQuickDrawHey I still use IRC, it's a legitimate inetner protocol.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+yeah I use Brave mostly, but on my laptop it's chrome with 3 different anti ad apps

Guyinroom83Coley gets the gray whale
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+mine is long and gold baby

Guyinroom83they discriminate against goose people
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+goose from top gun?

Guyinroom83same. i closed my pp account and haven't needed it since. just had to update all those autopays

JQuickDrawyou have to do pre-hayes Code 1930's movies
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+I avoid those days

Guyinroom83@JQuick ooh, great idea
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+she has the mystery meat version

JQuickDrawsome of those pre-code movies are pretty intense

Guyinroom83nonconsensual updating
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+TTK realises he is dealing with women

WinkyWankyWooSupporter+have you updated your app? umm what is an app*plays with hair*
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+great stream, hope you all die from aids, love you.

JQuickDrawaids? catch up man, it's 2023. the new insult is vax death.
WinkyWankyWooSupporter+no, I'm wishing aids on you all

JQuickDrawthat's not really scary. magic johnson looked healthier AFTER he got aids.

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