Walt Heyer | Former Transgender's Sex Change Regret

3 years ago

RAISING THE BAR | Walt Heyer | Former Transgender's Sex Change Regret
To buy Walt's book 'Paper Genders' - https://amzn.to/3cRYdbU

In this powerful episode, I chat with Walt Heyer, who in the 1980's transitioned to become Laura Jenson, and then 8 years later transitioned back to become Walt again. He explains how the vulnerable and mentally unstable are pushed into transitioning, and yet there is no support for those transitioning back to their original biological gender. We explore the timeline of transgenderism, the political agenda behind it and how Walt's message is saving thousands of young lives from making the same mistake he did.

1:57 - Walt's Story from boyhood sexual abuse and trauma, to sex change, then back to Walt again

18:00 - The Transgender Agenda (Why surgeries push people into reassignment surgery, without addressing their underlying mental trauma)

23:55 - Support transitioning, but NO support detransitioning

25:50 - "If they can't kill the kids in the womb, they'll change their genders when they come out."

26:45 - The weaponisation of virtuous/innocent terms such as Empathy, Diversity, Inclusivity and using as a "human shield"

26:30 - "The factual truth is no-one in history has changed a man into a woman"

31:15 - The connection between transgenderism, paedophilia and homosexuality

33:48 - Why the Transgender identifiers don't have an issue with Bisexuals

34:10 - Walt's sex change was a response to his childhood trauma, and shares the testimonies of people's lives he has saved

40:00 - "You are tricked into thinking you can genuinely change genders - it's Disgusting"

42:10 - No 'gender reversal surgery' because Walt's still a man biologically.

47:44 - Why is it LGBTQ say gender is a social construct but you're born gay?

49:05 - The Story of the Reimer Twins

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