30Mar23 Why Do Trans Refer to "Genocide"? And, RESTRICT Act: Perfect Tool for Operation Chokepoint 2.0 Attack on Crypto

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Don't confuse Josh Hawley's awful TikTok Ban with the Orwellian RESTRICT Act.  Hawley's bill is going nowhere but the only bill has massive support and doesn't even mention TikTok.  It is a broad, vaguely written bill that gives expansive powers to the Commerce Dept.  The fines are astronomical and I believe THE FIRST TARGET IS CRYPTO (and the RESTRICT Act is the perfect tool for Operation Chokepoint 2.0).  But it won't stop there 2:08
As Matt Taibbi was exposing the hidden hand of government directing social media in Congressional hearings about "The Twitter Files", the IRS sent an agent to his home in a clear case of intimidation.  It really is about "Digital McCarthyism" and they no longer care about trying to hide it. 52:28
FBI has no interest in investigating threats of violence or "hate speech" from trans.  They pretend the school shooting was not a hate crime.  And, knowing their values are "core" values of government, the trans are doubling down on the hate and violent rhetoric and so are elected officials. 1:05:34
Why "Genocide"? Trans See Laws Against Grooming as Abortion of "TransKids" Why do they use the term "genocide"?  Planned Parenthood has long used abortion as real genocide.  The trans pushers see their psychological grooming and mutilation of young children as a kind of birth — of "transkids" taken from "breeders 1:22:37
As trans double down on their violent rhetoric and push gun prohibition, everyone is weighing in on the aftermath of the Nashville shooting EXCEPT ONE PERSON — can you guess who? 1:39:09
Farmers said massive inflation in egg prices was NOT bird flu.  Now the data is in and it shows who was running the grift… 1:53:15
EU passes a ban of all cars with internal combustion engines with an exception for "eFuels".  Some say the EU blinked.  I think they got EXACTLY what they wanted. 1:57:34
GOP makes "lower energy costs" their #1 priority.  That's good.  But will the bill do anything or is it merely posturing? 2:21:19
Surveillance cameras to enforce car bans are under attack by vigilantes in London.  Another 2,700 cameras coming by August 2:29:18
God, country, hard work — American interest has plummeted in all these traditional values over the last 25 yrs with most of the decrease coming after the pandemic.  Americans only value ONE THING anymore.  Guess what it is… 2:34:27
Ryan McMahon's strategy on challenging our failed institutions — LOCAL institutions, rebuilt from ground up. 2:42:10
How charity is truly love, welfare is anti-love 2:44:40
Question for Christians: How Do WE Control AI? Secular humanists won't, can't do it.

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