Putin's Bunkers - where is he hiding? by Lyubov Sobol @SobolLyubov

1 year ago

For many years, Vladimir Putin has been called the "bunker grandpa". Where did this nickname actually come from? As it turns out, there is a real network of bunkers throughout Russia, intended for the "highest person of the state". Each of them is guarded by an armed unit, and tens of millions of rubles from the state budget are spent on the construction and maintenance of one such bunker.

In her new video, Lyubov Sobol - a Russian opposition activist in exile - provides a detailed account of Putin's bunker network and tries to figure out why Vladimir Putin needs a secret underground security system.

- English translation: #PrivateerStation
- Original video in Russian: https://youtu.be/-4M2soWNRLs
- Support Lyubov Sobol:
/ @sobollyubov
- Lyubov Sobol' Twitter: https://twitter.com/sobollubov
- Lyubov Sobol Telegram channel: https://t.me/TeamSobol
- Donate to Ukraine relief efforts: https://rassvet.world/en/sunrise/


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