How to add Products To the Collections in Shopify | Manual Collection | Automated Collection

1 year ago

To add products to an automated collection in Shopify, you need to ensure that the products in question have the relevant tags or conditions that meet the criteria set for the automated collection. Here are the steps to add products to an automated collection in Shopify:

Log in to your Shopify account and navigate to your store's admin panel.

Click on the "Products" tab in the left-hand menu and select the product you want to add to an automated collection.

Scroll down to the "Tags" section on the product page and add the tag(s) that meet the criteria set for the automated collection.

Navigate to the "Collections" tab in the left-hand menu and select "Automated collections."

Click on the "Create automated collection" button, or select the automated collection you want to edit.

Set the conditions for the automated collection, including the tag(s) that you added to the product in step 3.

Click on the "Save" button to save the automated collection.

Once you have completed these steps, the product(s) with the relevant tag(s) will be added automatically to the automated collection. From there, you can manage the collection as you would any other collection on your Shopify store.

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