Florida alligator seemingly eats smaller alligator in rare wildlife encounter: 'Scary show'

1 year ago

Florida alligator seemingly eats smaller alligator in rare wildlife encounter: 'Scary show'
Florida woman captures adult alligator eating a smaller reptile: See the photos
An Orlando Wetlands Park visitor snapped a series of rare photos of an adult alligator eating what appears to be a smaller alligator.

Barbara D'Angelo, a retired "snowbird" who lives in Florida during winter and Michigan during summer, photographed a large alligator swallowing a significantly smaller reptile in a swampy environment on March 6, she said.

"I was looking westerly when I heard a splash behind me and saw a large alligator with something large in his mouth," D'Angelo told Fox News Digital. "I thought it was a duck at first because they are mostly dark."

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