Quantum Healing, Death & Dragons with Ligia Cristina Grande

1 year ago

In today’s episode, you’ll hear about Ligia Cristina Grande's amazing story of survival, healing and empowerment. She openly shares how her ‘dark night of the soul’ which lasted many years saw her diving into a powerful journey of healing from her past experiences including childhood sexual abuse to liberating herself from this early trauma in life.

Ligia also shares a deeply personal and beautiful story of assisting her father when he was transitioning into his light body - even though they were physically thousands of miles apart.

And, we touch on one of our favourite subjects too ….. dragons and what they mean to Ligia in her life and work.

Ligia serves as a multi-dimensional quantum facilitator of energy healing, ascension guide, mentor, alchemist, artist and certified personal coach. She began her journey in energy healing in 2012, later received shamanic initiations and training from 2016 to 2018 in Spain, Colombia and the US. She continued her training in the Christos Sophia, Pearl of Isis and Rose Spiral priestess mystery schools from the Magdalene lineage and studied other soul quantum technologies for 5 years.

In 2022 she completed level 1 and 2 of StarMagic healing and also level 1 and 2 of the White Flame at Stellar Ascension Academy enhancing her abilities where she could access deeper layers of healing in the body, mind and soul bringing it all together in a synchronistic way.

Supported and guided by her Divine team through opening sacred space and accessing the quantum she can work remotely or in-person and access your holographic blueprint because every illness, trauma, and injury is stored in our cells as electromagnetic charges, and by using a combination of quantum energy healing, the power of the White Flame technology and other sacred tools she can communicate working on a subatomic level and exchange data and geometries traveling through the ether releasing energetic karmic contracts, blockages and trauma stored in the energy fields. She uses her intuitive guidance and psychic abilities to assess, clear, recalibrate, and bring into balance what needs to be brought into alignment, assisting clients in creating a new reality for themselves they can bring the manifestation of their Divine Blueprint into being. She came to the realization that her soul is in total alignment in service and reverence to the Krystos path and she strives to embody Christ Consciousness and Divine mother's essence following the Law of One every day of her life.

Ligia speaks English and Spanish

You can find out more about Ligia and her work here:


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With permission, intro music by the amazing sacred songstress Stellar Sophia https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/album/divine-harmony-1111-just-intonation

Find more of Stellar's amazing healing music here: https://stellar1.bandcamp.com/

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