Evolution of Remington Army revolvers Part 3 Cartridge firing revolvers

1 year ago

In this historical documentary video, I’ll complete the story of the development of Remington’s Army and Navy sized revolvers.

This is the final episode in a three-part series with the following Episodes:
1. The Cap & Ball era
2. Cartridge Conversions
3. 1875 to 1890 Army revolvers

Today we will be presenting episode three, which will cover the evolution of Remington’s cartridge-firing Army revolvers.

We’ll look at the Model 1875, the Model 1888 transitional revolver, and at the Model 1890.

Mike Beliveau links:

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/Duelist

Website - https://mikebeliveau.com/

YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOrzQir9WP9UpH8qtWx_ppw

Rumble Channel - https://rumble.com/c/c-1886155

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