How a PIGEON Can Teach You a Valuable Lesson in Procrastination...

1 year ago

If you want to overcome procrastination, today you're going to learn a valuable lesson... from a pigeon!

I know it sounds weird, but hear me out.

The other day when I was about to head into the office, I encountered this pigeon. As I was heading up the stairs, this pigeon was trying to get away with it, and failing miserably. Every time I took a single step forward, it would take a small leap forward as well, essentially getting nowhere.

And this made me think....

That's exactly how many people live their lives!

Think about it, we don't procrastinate on things we love, do we?

Nope, it's always things we're scared of to some degree, difficult things, things we don't really want to face and so on. In essence, what we do when we procrastinate is take today's problems and push them into the future. It's literally no different than what this pigeon did to try to escape his problem (me).

So, how do you overcome procrastination?

There are several tips for overcoming procrastination that I'm sharing in this video. While you're watching it, go ahead and leave me a comment below this video with a goal that you have been procrastinating om and make the COMMITMENT to take steps today to achieve that goal!

Additionally, go and text at least 3 people you know closely, telling them about your goal and plan.

It helps you overcome procrastination by being accountable and having the negative consequence of losing face when you flake out. It is one of the most important things you can do to help overcome your procrastination.

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