"The Constitution" as a Red Herring - Tuesday, March 28, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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"The Constitution" as a Red Herring - Tuesday, March 28, 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

Further evidence and historical supporting material sent to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court in regard to our Claims March 6th, 2005, January 19th, 2023, in seq:
"The Constitution" as a Red Herring

"Red Herrings" are used as lures in certain fisheries to entrap schools of herring and sometimes their predators, too --- but the slang implication of a "Red Herring" is a distraction or non sequitur issue brought forward to obscure the actual facts or prevent discovery of evidence.

The same concept is presented by "the Rabbit Hole" phenomenon, in which people are led on endless wild goose chases by having their attention focused on material that isn't actually part of the topic they are trying to explore.

Our Federal Employees are constantly focusing all attention possible on "the Constitution" as a means of preventing more appropriate discussion. This is because the Federal Employees are ultimately all dependent on one or another of the Constitutions to provide them with power and paychecks, and if the Constitutions are overturned, they are left with no basis of authority and no money.

As a result, the Constitutions are of supreme and vital interest to our Federal Employees, but not to us.

The actual Americans who are not Federal Employees and not Federal Dependents and not dependent upon any of the Constitutions for our basis of authority or source of money, are more concerned that the Federal Employees honor their obligations under the Constitution that applies to them, and honor our guarantees, and otherwise keep their noses clean and hands out of our pockets.

Although our Federal Employees have an obnoxious habit of referring to "the" Constitution as if there were only one such document, there are actually four(4) "federal" Constitutions that may be referenced.

Continue reading http://www.paulstramer.net/2023/03/the-constitution-as-red-herring.html

Download and print http://annavonreitz.com/constitutionredherring.pdf

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Thank you. ~ Ed

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