Like Rats in a Sinking Ship - Dr. Robert Redfield Testifies to Congress Regarding CCP Virus Origins

1 year ago

Dr. Robert Redfield, virologist and former director of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (C.D.C.), testified before congress on March 8, 2023 regarding the origins of the CCP frankenvirus.

You may remember him from the earliest days of the outbreak when he was consulted on several news programs, before Tony Fauci seemed to completely dominate public messaging. It turns out, according to Dr. Redfield's testimony, he was sidelined very early on.

A common practice of organized crime syndicates is to ex-communicate those who don't share their vision. Over time this leaves many loose ends, any of which may be their undoing. Fauci has so many of these loose ends he's tattered like a worn-out tarpaulin, and he's coming unraveled. In just the most recent example Dr. Robert Redfield has turned state's evidence on his former partner.

Being himself a virologist and heading the CDC, naturally Dr. Redfield investigated the virus. Upon inspection he discovered the sequence analysis indicates that the novel coronavirus (CoV) has an insertion of a furin cleavage site (PRRAR) in its spike protein, making it transmissable to humans. Immediately Dr. Redfield brought his findings to Tony Fauci.

Prior to his discovery, Dr. Redfield was a member of a group of virologists and immunologists, including Tony Fauci, director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID), and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization (WHO.) This group met remotely every morning.

After Dr. Redfield went to Fauci with his discovery, Tony Fauci called an emergency meeting with select members of the group. From then on Dr. Redfield was excluded from their discussions.

"They wanted a single narrative," as he explains it, "and I obviously had a different point of view."

Miraculously, Dr. Redfield's former colleagues found evidence and published a paper three days later debunking the lab leak theory.

"This whole approach...," Dr. Redfield continued, "it's antithetical to science. Science has debate and they squashed any debate."

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