Introduction to Moral Video Productions -- Does Real Truth Exist?

1 year ago

Moral Video Productions exists to point to real objective truth. Does real truth exist? How does one establish actual human rights? What is right, what is wrong, and by what standard can we ensure that such right and wrong would be always consistent for all people?

Is there a real, objective truth? Yes, there is! But only if there is a God and that God has communicated that truth to His creation. And, YES, there is such a God and He has provided such communication to us in the pages of the number one best seller of all times—THE BIBLE.

But can we prove that the Bible is God’s word? Absolutely! And in upcoming videos, we will explore such proofs.

In upcoming videos, we will explore such topics as Morals & Ethics, The Existence of God, Jesus Christ - the Son of God, The Bible – The Word of God, The Fallacies of Human Ethics, Separation of Church and State, Man’s Fall from Grace, God’s Plan for Man, and many more.

Check out more at!

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