The Housing Correction is NOT Over!

1 year ago

We are about to enter the 2nd Quarter of 2023. The 4th Quarter of 2022 was a tough Quarter and pretty slow. Here in Phoenix Arizona, the Housing market has popped up as affordability has improved. My Forecast has been for a "Window of Lower Rates" for the 1st Quarter of 2023 and maybe into the 2nd Quarter. However, Rates may very well rise again. Inflation is also forecast to decline, but Charts are indicating higher inflation later in the year.

If you have been following my work, you know we have been out of the Market since March of 2022 with New Capital. Re-positioning portfolios via an IRC 1031 Exchange has been very popular as investors move from California, New Youk, Chicago, Portland, Seattle, and Minnesota to the better markets of Florida, Texas, and Arizona. Here in Phoenix, we are experiencing a Correction, possibly a severe correction, in a decade long Real Estate Bull Market...

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