Pending Bill S.686 Will Create Online Panopticon

1 year ago

Right now, under the guise of preventing TikTok from adversely affecting Americans, the criminal, illegitimate federal government is considering a Bill known as S.686 - RESTRICT Act, which would set up a surveillance state panopticon, the likes of which would make innocent, every day Internet activities by Americans punishable by up to 20 years in prison.
Not since the Patriot Act have we such an Orwellian piece of legislation appeared in the halls of Congress. It basically sets up an online police state in America in the name of fighting against degenerate sites like TikTok that are run by "foreign adversaries" like Communist China, which by the way, is given "Most Favored Trade Nation" status by the same [Communist] federal government that pretends to oppose China on this single issue.
It's the "PROBLEM-REACTION-SOLUTION" dialectic being used to, once again, rob the American People of what few freedoms we still have left, which are basically, the right to consume and the right to obey, and very little else.
If you love your freedom, and don't want the some unelected government watchdog watching and scrutinizing everything you do online, then you will contact your Senator and Congressional Representative today, as I have, and urge them to oppose this Draconian, UN-American, and totally UN-Constitutional Bill.
Don't let Congress restrict our individual liberty. Use this quick, online too to contact your U.S. representative and senators, and urge them to oppose S. 686, the RESTRICT Act.
Extended30-minute version of this video...
S.686 - RESTRICT Act

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