Deadpool 2 Spoiler Free Review : Are the Chimichangas Still Fresh or are These Stale Left Overs?

6 years ago

In this video, we share our feelings about the latest installment of Deadpool.

Deadpool is such an interesting character in so many ways. He's been bastardized, had his mouth sewn shut, given Weapon-X capabilities and made to look like Ryan Reynolds. He's been through hell! As such when a proper Deadpool movie came out in 2016 it caught people off guard with its 4th-wall breaking, R-Rating, foul-mouthed action humor, and overall fun. Topping the charts after its release a sequel was inevitable, and if you watched the end-credits of the first movie you knew this movie would be all about Cable.

Unlike the first movie, I went into Deadpool 2 with some pretty high expectations. I can't say that Deadpool 2 exceeded expectation but it didn't miss expectations either. They didn't need to spend much time establishing characters we knew, just new ones such as Domino (LOVED!), Cable, Russel and a few others.

I do wish they would have spent a little more time with Blind Al and a little less time with Dopinder. I loved the evolution of Blind Al's character, I thought they made her more into a motherly sort of figure which really fit her. Yes, she was still a smart ass, yes, she still kicked Wade in the balls, but there was also a consoling factor to her that I really dug. Dopinder, however, was just annoying to me and I could have used without him.

Josh Brolin as Cable was awesome. He had the screen presence and weight this character needed. He was gritty, strong, purposed and focused on his mission. You could understand the perspective he came from, even if you didn't agree with him.

The character of Russel was decent initially but I felt that he got more annoying as the movie went on. In the end, I didn't care for this kid at the end of the movie, he is pretty annoying and deplorable and I really rooted against him in the end.

I never thought that I would say that a Deadpool movie had heart but, dear Lord, DP2 hit me hard in the feels and I wasn't expecting that. I thought it was great too, it progressed the story and lead to logical evolutions of character paths.

I loved Deadpool and thought Deadpool 2 was the perfect sequel. It wasn't better, it wasn't worse, it was just a solid and fun ride. There were some... cringeworthy SFX, specifically in one chase scene and a slight lull about 2/3 through but beyond that this was an amazing film. I cannoy wait to see it again and, if you're a fan of the series, you should definitely check it out.

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