AMAZING UNBOXING! Spice Orange Nintendo Gamecube! Merry Christmas from RoXolid Productions!

7 years ago

In this video we show off the cool gaming-related gifts we got this year for Christmas and have a special message for all of you.

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For Christmas 2017 we got some really cool gaming gear under the tree. We started off with a glass tumbler that is GameBoy themed. The cool thing about this glass is that when you pour cold liquid into it the "display" comes on and it looks like an actual GameBoy screen. This could be found at Kohl's.

Next up is the Super Nintendo gift box from CultureFly. This Boxed Set is available exclusively, from what we can tell, from Wal-Mart. This set cost $29.99 and includes some really cool gear including an NES controller pin, GameBoy coffee mug that also changes color but this one is when warm, GameBoy inspired notepad, NES controller plushy, SNES backpack and NES cartridge-style coasters. This is a pretty neat set, even with the small size on the SNES backpack and the NES/GameBoy-inspired gear in the SNES-collectors' kit.

The final gift I opened was something that I saw in-store at Live Action Games in Champaign, IL but didn't pull the trigger-on myself. In-fact when I went back to go buy this item I found out that someone had already bought it. Little did I know my Girlfriend had contacted the store and spoke with them to arrange purchase of a Japanese Orange Spice Nintendo Gamecube. This was completely unexpected, especially since it also has a Japanese GameBoy Advance Player WITH disc included. Amazing, astounding and completely unexpected. Make sure you stay subscribed to the channel as I will be modding this system to be compatible with NTSC North American Gamecube games!

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