Star Wars The Last Jedi Overview: Minor Spoilers - This is NOT the Saga I've Been Waiting For

7 years ago

In this video we discus Star Wars - The Last Jedi, the most recent entry into the Star Wars Saga.

At the end of Star Wars: The Force Awakens fans and critics alike had their thoughts and feelings regarding where the series was going and how it would get there. New characters Finn, Poe, BB-8 and Rey joined Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess (now General) Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2 and, eventually, Luke Skywalker. The Empire, post Death Star 2 has evolved into the First Order, the Emperor replaced with Supreme Commander Snoke, Darth Vader with Kylo Ren and Governor Tarkin with General Hux. At the end of the Force Awakens we had many questions, especially after seeing the Resistance claim a major victory over the First Order by destroying Starkiller Base. But this victory wouldn't last.

The Last Jedi, at least in my hopes, was to answer questions and fill plot holes generated by it's predecessor. Who was Snoke? Why did he hate Skywalker so much? Who created the map to Ach-To? Why did R2-D2 wake up when he did? Why did Ben Solo turn against Luke Sywalker and the Jedi Order? And who are Rey's Parents?

Well the Last Jedi is a mess, seriously. It feels both too big and not nearly focused enough from the opening crawl. Kylo Ren is more emo then ever, canon is cast aside and you really need to suspend disbelief to believe that characters survive certain attacks. Worst of all the major plot point is that the Resistance seemingly only ha $5 in gas left and no-one thought to grab the can of Liquid Schwartz! And don't get me started on the political statements on how the rich only succeeded on the backs of the poor, how those who are successful only do so by playing both sides against the middle and how everyone is just as special as the next person.

From plot holes to disappointing story moves, throwing the past away and changing characters for the worse I was disappointed in the direction they took with EP VII. It didn't need to be like this but, well, I guess this is the only way it could happen. It was fun, it looked great but in the end it could have been any generic Sci-Fi movie. The jokes fell flat and felt out of place and, overall, Rian Johnson did not deliver IMO and I did not enjoy this nearly as much as I did Rogue One.

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