Demand for Liquidation -- March 26th 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

1 year ago

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Demand for Liquidation -- March 26th 2023 By Anna Von Reitz

As additional information and proof of unlawful activities by members of the Territorial "Congress" owned and operated by DOD, INC., we provide you all with a brief summation of their illegal and immoral activities designed to promote "perpetual war".

Our States of the Union are not in favor of "perpetual war" and we have no intention, desire, or obligation to fund any such activities.

This is not provided for in any treaty, service contract, or Constitutional agreement; this is not authorized by our country or our States or our people.

These are the actions of self-interested renegade Municipal Corporations that must be liquidated immediately. They are bent on creating endless war for profit, which is itself a profoundly illegal, unlawful, and immoral aim.

The "U.S." operated as a commercial corporation needs to be permanently liquidated and we request that the Ecclesiastical Law be strictly and immediately applied to put an end to all of these rogue District of Columbia Municipal corporations on a permanent basis.

The illegal and immoral 2011 NDAA and all associated legislative actions undertaken by the Territorial "Congress" including their Authorization for Use of Military Force, are predicated on known lies told to the people of this country and upon usurpation of authorities never granted to any Territorial Congress.

These Acts as further described herein, in sum total, need to be repealed--- and anyone occupying a seat in the Territorial Congress needs to be made aware of that necessity and the extreme limitations of their position.

All but nine (9) sitting Territorial United States Senators failed their duty to preserve the peace and honor their contractual limitations and obligations.

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