Switch It Up July 16, 2018 - July 22 2018: Checking out this Week's Nintendo eShop New Releases

6 years ago

In this video, we discuss the 25 new releases hitting the Nintendo Switch's eShop between July 16 and July 22, 2018!

See previous weeks' episodes at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoLKUBYLFqP22-lyPxVtnDvX1ekaFqh-w

Welcome to the eleventh episode of Switch It Up where we will be discussing this week's new releases in the Nintendo Switch eShop. Some weeks, like this, we'll be cram-packed full of new releases. Others will have just a few announcements. This show is mainly about the digital releases on the system, however, we will discuss key physical releases when appropriate.

Hand Of Fate 2 - $29.99
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion - $39.99
Let's Sing 2018 - $39.99
Let's Sing 2018 Platinum Edition - $54.99
Mugsters - $14.99
Touhou Genso Wanderer Reloaded - $49.99

Animal Rivals: Nintendo Switch Edition - $3.99
The Mooseman - $6.29

Arcade Archives City CONNECTION - $7.99
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded - $7.99
Frost - $12.99
Guts & Glory - $14.99
Johnny Turbo's Arcade: Shoot Out - $7.99
Lost Phones Stories - $9.99
NoReload Heroes - $9.99
Pool Panic - $14.99
STARSHIP AVENGER Operation: Take Back Earth - $4.99
Tanzia $16.99

Heroki - $9.99
Spheroids - $7.99
VSR: Void Space Racing - $9.99
Werewolf Pinball - $1.99

All in all, it's a pretty meh week for me, buck buck mothercluckers! Vertical Strike, Starship Avenger, and Werewolf Pinball all look like titles I might check out, but not much beyond that.

Make sure to enter for a chance to win an NES Classic Edition! Check out https://youtu.be/f51l2Mebhkw for all the details!

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