Switch it Up May 21, 2018 - May 28 2018: Checking out this Week's Nintendo eShop New Releases

6 years ago

In this video, we discuss the more than 10-new releases hitting the Nintendo Switch's eShop this week!

Welcome to the third episode of Switch It Up where we will be discussing each week's new releases in the Nintendo Switch eShop. Some weeks, like this, we'll be cram-packed full of new releases. Others will have just a few announcements. This show is mainly about the digital releases on the system, however, we will discuss key physical releases when appropriate.

Hitting the eShop this week are:

Traxx ($14.99)

Mega Man Legacy Collection ($14.99)
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 ($19.99)
Runner 3 ($25.49)
Disco Dodgeball Remix ($11.99)

N++ ($14.99)
Arcade Archives: Ikki ($7.99)
Baobabs Mausoleum Ep.1: Ovnifagos Don't Eat Flamingos ($5.99)
Discovery ($7.99)
Escape Game: Aloha ($5.99)
Punch Club ($14.99)
Zen Bound 2 ($14.99)

Antomine ($8.99)
Dungeon Rushers ($14.99)

Mega Man Legacy Collection is the heavy hitter here this week, odd however that the digital versions are $5 less ($34.98) compared to the cartridge version ($39.99). Disco Dodgeball Remix is also something that looks like a lot of fun, and Zen Bound 2 looks like a super fun and chill game to enjoy. Finally, Traxx is a game right up my alley as well, especially with the slot car racing aspect in it. I do wish you could have 4-lanes and online multi-player support, especially with a $14.99 fee. Once again some great releases for the Nintendo Switch coming to the eShop!

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