Nintendo Direct 9/13/2018 LIVESTREAM - We Watch and React to the New Hotness

6 years ago

In this video, we discuss the September 13, 2018 Nintendo Direct Livestream, the different games coming out, the online services and much more.

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Going into this Nintendo Direct, Nintendo has let it be known that they will be discussing both the Switch along with the 3/2DS. I am personally hoping to hear more about the Switch Online Service, what games are coming and to see what the future holds for the 3/2DS.

Some Earthworm Jim would be sweet too!!!

So, after the stream, man, we had some good stuff here. Nintendo threw a curve at everyone with Luigi being the first one in the Direct. Initially, I thought we were going to get more of the footage from the Smash Direct, but NO! We're getting a legit Luigi's Mansion 3!!! Now, this is how you kick things off!

Nintendo kept things rolling, going through the different titles coming out for the 3DS. They never once mentioned the 2DS, which was odd. But they did announce Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is coming from the Wii to the 3DS and, as a fan of that game on the Wii, that's an awesome addition to the 3DS.

Moving to the Switch there was a lot announced, however, there are only a few things I am interested in. The more I see of Starlink the more I am interested and I think I am going to get a copy. They also announced a new Yoshi game, Yoshi's Crafted World which looks amazing! It reminds me so much of Little Big Planet, and that's a good thing. PS2 classic Katamari Damacy REROLL is coming to the Switch as well.

But then... oh but then Nintendo announced New Super Mario Bros U is coming to the Switch, and just like Mario Kart 8, they are calling it New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. It has more characters, includes New Super Luigi U and some other features but, in the end, it's still the Wii U game. I just hope it's not $60 but I think it's going to be.

Capcom announced several classic titles would be coming to the Switch, Final Fight, Captain Commando, The King of Dragons, Knights of the Round and Warriors of Fate, as well as two games that were previously unavailable on consoles: Armored Warriors and Battle Circuit are incoming. Best thing is they'll all be available in less than a week! I just wish it was coming as a physical release, but for $19.99, it's priced well.

Speaking of $19.99, Nintendo confirmed the pricing of their annual online service at $19.99, which also includes NES Games to play. They even announced new NES-style controllers for the Switch. Best of all, they are wireless and charge via the Switch, the same as the Joy Cons! They're really cool looking, but they're also $60!

In the end this Nintendo Direct really had something for everyone. Did I love everything they showed? Nope? But then again I didn't need to! This was much better than their E3 expo video for me, it provided a lot of cool content and overall I rate this at a B+.

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